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Problems with Service Area not overlapping

04-24-2013 03:16 AM
Deactivated User
I have problems with analysis for Service Area. I have to do generalized and detailed with and without Trim polygons and not overlapping Service Area (generalize with trim polygons not overlapping, generalized without trim polygons not overlapping etc.).

When I do this, I always get a message:
" Warning: Unable to create service area polygon(s) for Location "1"".

This only for 4 facilities and ArcGIS does service area for me, but maybe not correct. With others parameters in Polygon Generation tab I don't have problems.

And what exactly does mean Trim Polygon? For what is this?
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
How big are your service areas?

From the help here:

Trim Polygons�??The polygons containing the network edges at the periphery of the service area can be further trimmed to be within the specified distance of these outer network edges. By default, this value is 100 meters.

You should set the trim to a reasonable distance. For example, if you are making 500 meter service area polygons, choose 25 to 50 meter trim.

If there is one location that is not working, is it only because you turn on the trim? If yes, then change trim size.

Jay Sandhu

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Deactivated User
Thank's for answer. My polygons are for 8, 12, 15, 20 minutes of travel time. Sometimes it's quite big. I think that this value 100meters is enough.

This warning is only for Not Ovelapping, it doesn't matter with Trim Polygons or without Trim Polygons.
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