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Out of Memory while Generating Closest Facilities

08-15-2011 07:25 AM
Deactivated User
I had error message "out of memeory," while I was generating the closest facilities from 418 incidents to 32 facilities. My desktop has 2TB memory and 12 TB hard disk space.
ArcInfo licence with Version 10.0.

Anybody has a similar problem and resolution for this problem?
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Perhaps your machine has 2 GB not 2 TB amount of memory.
Regardless, 418 incidents and 32 facilities is not a big problem and you should be able to get an answer without runing out of memory. What network dataset are you using and how far apart are the incidents/facilities.
Perhaps you can make sure that hierarchy is ON or if the hierarchy is not ON, then make sure a distance cutoff is in place so that in case there is no path between some incident/facility combination it is not searching an entire nation wide network with an exact solve and running out of memory.
Jay Sandhu
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Deactivated User
Yeh....2TB hard disk space and 12GB memory. I read an article from ESRI website that ArcMap just can handle 4GB memory in max.
I was running the network dataset with around 1.5 million segments. I have reduced the number of segments for my analysis significantly and have fast running. However, I still need all the detailed network segments.
For certain locations, I cannot set up cut-off because I need to use all the segments.
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Esri Regular Contributor
ArcGIS can use 4 GB if you are running it on a 64bit OS like Windows 7.

So are you still not able to compute all paths for 418 Incidents and 32 Facilities? That is 418 by 32 is 13,376 line feaatures and if your network dataset has good connectivity then it should be quick to compute and not run of memory. Perhaps there is something going on with your network that is causing memory or performance issue. What kind of network do you have?

Jay Sandhu
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