I am using a python script to find best route between origins and destinations. Looking at the route solution, I find that the route did not follow the one-way restrictions correctly at some portions of the street. But when I use the same network data-set (streetmap_na 10.1 dataset) , and pick the same origin and destination locations (as were input in the script) manually in arcmap, it follows the one-way restrictions as expected. I reviewed the one-way evaluators, they are set up correct as Vb script as referenced in ArcGIS help.
When I run the route solver in python, does the network data set one-way evaluator needed to be set up using python for this arcpy.na solver to honor the one-way restrictions?
I am running arcgis 10.3.1
rebuilt the network with one-way evaluator given in python, but still has the problem of route traversing opposite to what the network data set shows permissible.