I have to create an OD cost matrix with road distances, I have already created a network dataset, but the results are a little different from the real ones (I have compared the data in the OD Cost Matrix to distances on Google Maps). So I was wondering if it is possible to use the European Routing Service (used for the Find Route) as a Network Dataset to create my OD cost matrix?
There is no OD service available yet with the ArcGIS online BUT there is a closest facility service which can be used! Load your origins as Incidents and your destinations as Facilities in the The Closest Facility tool and set the number of facilities to find equal to the number of facilities you have loaded. it will use the European data online to solve the return back the route and distance information back.
You will need an organizational account (or get a trial one) to use these services. You can access these in ArcMap via the catalog, expand the Ready-To-Use Services and pick the Logistics and then Closest Facility.
Thank you so much. The services is very useful, I have created data matrix in .net successfully. It's so lucky to find your reply to this answer here, I needn't to add a new topic.
I'm on the Esri Network Analyst team, and curious to hear how you may want us to create an ArcGIS Online OD cost matrix service. Do you think you could please tell me more about what you would use it for, and how you would use it? I'd really like to talk to you about it if possible. Thank you for any info, Scott
For jsandhu: Thank you...I will try your solution!!
For ScottSandusky: Hi! I don't know if I could be helpful...but I'll try to give you some more info. I have to solve some OD cost matrix with distances (km and minutes) among the municipalities that belong to the same LLS (Local Labor System). What I did: I built a network dataset by a street shape file (I calculated the lenght variable and I added speed limit to find travel times) and then I solved my OD cost matrices. I verified some data with Google Maps distances and I noticed that my results are different both in terms of km (in some cases more than 10km) and time. I added also hierarchy but results are almost the same. So I used 'Find Route' to have other data to compare with mine and I noticed that they are more similar to those of Google Maps (in particular as regards travel times). Given that I can use my Network Dataset in the 'Find Route' (to point out that in this case I don't get travel time and distances sometimes are different from those in the matrices...I don't know how it can happen!), I wondered if it was possible to use the European Routing Service (I need this data for Italy) in the Network Analyst to solve my matrices.
I don't know if it is possible and how to do it! If you want to know anything else, ask me as well!