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Multimodal Route

11-18-2011 07:58 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am creating a multimodal route. The end result desiered is something like what google map produces. When you select 'by public transit' and include your origin and end point, the route is outputted with the walking to the stop, then the route of the bus and eventually to your destination. Is there a way to do that in ArcMap using the Netowrk Anlysis? Im pretty sure you can, I have gone through the tutorial. The data that I have include Addresses, End Point, Bus Stops, Links from stop to road, links from stop to bus route, bus route and road.

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Yes, it is possible. Select the option of creating directions when you are building your network dataset and follow the tutorials or the help file.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Hello Cameron. Were you ever able to create your multimodal network?  It might be too late to be relevant now, but I just wanted to let you know about a new prototype tool from Esri's Network Analyst team which allows you to add GTFS public transit data directly to a network dataset. You can use this network dataset with the Network Analyst tools to run time-aware analyses that incorporate the transit schedules.
You can download the toolset and instructions here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me at with questions or comments about this toolset.
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