I am not very competent with coding, and need to do some pedestrian routing using an OSM Network Dataset in ArcMap, however, I do not have a pedestrian network configuration file and do not have a clue how to make one. Can anyone provide me with one, or tell me how I can simply make one?
Hi Amber, maybe you could create a OSM Network dataset with generic config file. Once created you could edit the parameters of the network (for example speed) and configure the analysis without taking into account oneways and / or access.
I'm not sure what you mean by a "pedestrian network configuration file", but have you checked this out:
I believe this has tools for creating a network dataset for use with Network Analyst. You can download the latest release from the "Releases" tab.
I suppose that Amber has made the network dataset by OpenStreetMap Toolboox with the "Create OSM Netwok Dataset" tool.
In this tool are solicited three inputs:
In ArcGIS there are several configuration files to set up the transformation. This files are in: "C:\...\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\ND_ConfigFiles"
By defect there are three files ( Drive meters.xml, DriveGeneric.xml and CycleGeneric.xml) but you can create news files or modify them to create new configuration files
Hi Luis,
How would I edit the parameters of the OSM network?
Thank you.
Hi Amber
You can edit the evaluators (sorry, before I said parameters) of the network in its properties. To access to evaluators in the Arc Catalog right click in Network dataset > Properties > Atributtes
Here you can edit the several evaluators, for example the speed of the network in the differents kind of road. For this, you mark Speed and click in Evaluators. Then it opens one new box
In this box you can mark the sources that yo wnat to edit. in yhis case BASE_nd roads and click in the Evaluators properties, then appears a new box and in the Pre-logic Script Code you can change the values of the speed for the differents kind of roads.
You must change these values in both directions, From-To and To-From
In the same way you can change other characteristics in the network dataset
You can change this values too in the Network Configuration file with an xml editor located in "C:\...\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\ND_ConfigFiles"
and save with a new name to keep the original configuraion file. With this new configuration file you can create the network dataset from the beginning with the "Create OSM Netwok Dataset" tool (OpenStreetMap Toolboox).