Are you using Geometric Networks? If so, how are they implemented in your workflow, and what purpose do they serve for you? I am currently investigating them for electric transmission line/point data. I am not quite sure what end result I expect to get yet, nor what direction I will ultimately go. Your use case comments will be helpful in guiding me, and possibly open up more questions to be answered.
Thanks again for your input!!!
Hi James, i've used geometric networks on a water distribution system just for edition agility purposes (since you have points and lines attached and move them all together, not one by one), but now i'm trying to get more out of them by using the connectivity rules (it requires your entities to have subtypes). i was looking for info since i've had some problems and saw your post... let me know how it's going.
also, have you checked out the ArcGIS for utilities, you might find something useful there
James -
My water department is trying to implement geometric network for water utilities. I do not know that much about water
utilities and am trying to help our water departments. I know you post is old and wondered if you if have implemented it.
Would you be willing to answer a few questions for me. I am specifically interested in using subtypes.
I use geometric networks for my city's water and sewer utilities. I find them to be an effective way to maintain these utilities. If you use the The Local Government Information Model—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop you'll also get a few more advantages of predefined data that will have most if not all the information attributes configured for you. With this model there are also some COTS (commercial off the shelf) programs you could implement with little work.