Hi Patrik;
Well, I made an account and email the INRIX and TomTom to help me with DTF files.
I don't even know what they have to give me? Is it a sample python code?
I'm learning it with ArcGIS help.
I appreciate your time.
I have followed the process specified in arcgis resources exercise 10 for creating traffic network dataset (san diego) and used custom traffic provider (.dll to register GUID) , used the update model provided in exercise 10 to update DTF files in a folder where network dataset is pointed. (TrafficFiles\v1)
and i had scheduled this task (task scheduler) for interval of 15 min .
i am able to get DTF files in folder and can visualize historical data .. but not able to visualize live traffic from DTF files on dataset ( layer properties -> symbology -> live traffic only)
DTF files are saved with timestamp as name, along with feed entry in trafficindex.xml
i had cross checked the result DTF file ... by DTFtoCSV conversion ( its same as input )
1) how does network dataset know that DTF file has been updated? does it check interval based?
2) Why tool saves DTF file saves in a seperate folder (v1) ?
3) while creating network dataset we provide a folder path till v1, where as in update tool till trafficfiles .....
initially the folder is empty.. no xml, no dtf ... how does _ND know update DTF is in v1 folder?
How can I register the DLL by compiling the sample? What procedure I have to follow? I still haven't unterstood how I can do it. I am following the instructions of this website (http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=e11126ea20e941bd9644046e62e2bdbe ), but it seems that I am missing something!
Until now I have added the provider GUID to the TrafficProviders.xml file.