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Adding impediments dynamically to a Network Dataset

07-01-2014 10:45 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am working on a project that is designed to simulate a disaster. We are attempting to allow our app to give users the opportunity to record a feature on the map where travel is limited. The route feature needs to read this and identify that route as impassable.

Is there a way to do this?


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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus
I think it's possible, but the limiting factor is you'd need to quickly rebuild that portion of the network so it would be realized.  The flip side to this is of course, somehow you would need to lift the restriction as roads are repaired and available for traffic. 

Implementing the changes to your network is probably much easier than getting accurate and timely data...
That should just about do it....
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Frequent Contributor
I dont think it is possible. But you can have a look at this page, might help in shaping your ideas.

I dont think the other suggestion by jborgion would work. I tried that before and also tried to update a mdb, but at that time mdb were locked when in use by arcgis and I could not read data into road file.

you might also want to check this and this
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Esri Regular Contributor
Is there some reason that barriers won't work for this application?  Barriers are point, line, or polygon features that can be added to the analysis in order to simulate impassible roads due to accidents, construction, floods, etc.  They do not modify the underlying network but simply affect the results of an individual analysis.  The barrier features can be edited prior to the analysis.
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Frequent Contributor
mmornag's suggestion looks very feasible. Never thought about it. I will try later. I vote for it 🙂
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