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3D Model of Network Dataset

03-02-2011 04:14 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have a complete network dataset in 2D and now I want to make a 3D model of that dataset, is it possible to create a 3D model or visualization of 2D network dataset in ArcGIS 10.0? And if is it possible then please give me a solution to complete that task.

Your small help will be appreciated. 🙂
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8 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
ArcGIS 10 supports 3D networks. You need to have Z coordinates in addition to x,y on your line data.

You can read more about it here:

It also has location of the 3D sample network included with the Network Analyst tutorial.

Jay Sandhu
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Deactivated User

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to construct a 3D network for  building interiors (I'm absolutely new on 3D!!!), and maybe my question is so obvious, but:

do I need to draw on a separate feature class elevators and stairs??? In the example  here:  every floor is on a separate feature as floor transitions (elevators and stairs) and I would like to know if it is the only way to obtain routes inside buildings.

Thank you in advance!!!!!!!


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Esri Regular Contributor


You can have all the features in one feature class.You can use ArcGIS Pro's 3D editing capabilities to create and maintain such 3D building data.

Jay Sandhu

Deactivated User

Hi Lidia,

We actually just recently released a sample workflow including tools to do just this.  Check out the following link:  In particular, see the pdf file inside the "Indoor Network Creation" folder. We're still actively developing the workflow and tools, so we welcome comments and questions.

Deactivated User

Thank you, george!!!!!

it is reaaaally useful the workflow you send!!!.

What I still don't get is the prerequisite my layers should have. I only have one layer, "building", and I don't really understand the requirements it needs.

thank you in advance!!!!

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Deactivated User

Glad you're finding the workflow useful!  The workflow assumes that you have:

1.  a polygon feature class of floor outlines

2.  a polyline feature class of internal floor plan lines (walls, doors, etc.)

3.  a polygon feature class of rooms.

Each feature in the first feature class is covered with a 'lattice' of polyline features, and then unwanted features are cut out using the last two feature classes; the user selects which floor plan line and room features should not have network features crossing them.  The tools we've created thus far require all three feature classes, and they need to have the attributes listed in the workflow documentation.  However, for the last two feature classes, it should be possible to use an empty feature class for either or both of them if you don't have such data available.

What kind of data does your building layer include?  Is it a feature class or shapefile? Is it polygon, polyline?

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Regular Contributor

Does your data have Z values? Try running "Add Surface Information" using a USGS NED or a LiDAR DEM and then add to ArcGIS Pro or maybe ArcScene.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Please do not add true "z" data from a DEM to a building data as it will destroy the existing artificial Z's one may have to make a building with different floors offset from ground.

At a minimum, you need is a building line feature class with polylineZ for the hallway centerlines for you to route on and in addition, the stairs, elevator lines connected for the movement between the floors. You can have more as needed for restricted doors,etc. For visualization you may need other polygon feature classes to show offices, building, etc.

Jay Sandhu

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