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Allow to use more than one value for service time based on the route assigned to orders

07-13-2022 07:50 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I believe it will so beneficial if you can add a feature that allow users to use different service time for each order based on which route it will be assigned to. As an example, for order no. 1, if it will be assigned to route 1, it will require 4 days as a service time. However, for the same order, if it will be assigned to route 2, it will require 6 days as a service time.

Or, the service time can be a constant, 4 days as an example, but the productivity rates of the routes are different values. For the same example, the productivity rate for route 1 will be 1, and for route 2 will be 0.667.

Please let me if you need more information,