Dynamic Shared Route

10-12-2021 08:35 AM
Status: Open
Emerging Contributor

We've been running a pilot where the user creates an optimized route using the Web Appbuilder "Plan Route" widget in a browser window, which is then viewed in Navigator on an iPad for driving directions.

From the very beginning, the static vs dynamic routes has been a source of disappointment. There are many situations that pop-up throughout the day that quickly render a static map "not optimal". Some of these are

  • New stops are added
  • Sequence of stops needs to be reordered
  • Stopping only on one side of the street not optimal

It's noted that editing a route is possible, but only for the routes that are manually created within Navigator (by dropping pins or searching by an address). Since our process can have over 100 stops, manually entering them isn't an option. It would be a huge enhancement if there was an option to treat shared routes in the same manner (ref: https://doc.arcgis.com/en/navigator/android-phone/help/route-in-navigator.htm#ESRI_STEP_6E4C9670483E...

I have two questions

  1. Is editing for shared routes (created external to Navigator) on the roadmap?
  2. Are there any creative workarounds that others have implemented to overcome rerouting in the field?



(pilot built on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 platform with iPad for field crew)

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1 Comment

Also need the ability to "save" manually created multi-stop routes.