I have a question on the installation part of Monitor 2023. During the installation, do we have to install the DB anywhere or does it autoamtically come installed with the program? Is the only specific thing that we need to configure after installation is the SQL DB component? I am a bit confused on this part and how the postgres DB plays into Monitor.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Thanks Josh! Appreciate it.
Please see https://doc.arcgis.com/en/monitor/latest/install/windows/arcgis-monitor-system-requirements.htm . This step needs to be completed by a user before the setup step. We are in the process of providing additional clarification.
Hi @AndrewSakowicz , @Anonymous User - I was able to muddle my way through setting up postgreSQL version 14.6 (the latest version on MyEsri) and was able to create the 'agm' user database per the help doc above using the pgAdmin gui.
However, do either of you have a practical example of steps 3 and 4?
By default, only clients running on the same machine as the PostgreSQL database cluster can connect to it. To allow remote clients to connect to the database cluster, alter the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf configuration file. The entries you place in the pg_hba.conf file vary depending on your security policies and configurations.
Complete the following steps to allow remote connections from clients to the PostgreSQL server:
# TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD host <monitor_db> <db_user> <monitor_server_ip>/<ip/mask> <auth_method>
For more information, refer to the PostgreSQL documentation.
Thanks in advance for anything you can provide . . .
Hello @DavidColey,
For step 3, consider this scenario:
In this scenario, I would add the following line to the pg_hba.conf file (located in C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\data by default):
host monitor agm scram-sha-256
Please note that each value in the row is separated by spaces, not tabs. In my testing, using tabs instead of spaces will cause the Postgres service to crash.
For step 4, you can either open pgAdmin, connect to the database, and issue this command...
SELECT pg_reload_conf()
...or open a command prompt on the machine where Postgres is installed, navigate to the installation directory (C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin by default) and issue the following command:
pg_ctl reload
Please note that this set of steps only needs to be done if Postgres is installed on a different machine from ArcGIS Monitor Server. If ArcGIS Monitor Server and Postgres are installed on the same host, these steps should not be necessary. Please let me know if I can elaborate further or if there are any other questions.
This is very helpful @GeoJosh - thanks very much for this. To me, this:
"By default, only clients running on the same machine as the PostgreSQL database cluster can connect to it."
is just not clear that 'clients' is referring to the Monitor Server.
I also would have preferred to name the db differently as you have, but the help example names the db the same as the owner, which as a SQL Server admin I would never do. But I don't know/didn't know that/if Monitor Server is expecting the database to be named 'agm' - so it looks like it can be....
Hey GeoJosh,
Can this new line of information be placed anywhere in the pg_hba.conf file as long as there is no # in front of it, or does it need to go somewhere specific?
Please add new entries to the very bottom of the file and make sure to leave off "#" at the beginning.
Thanks Josh! Appreciate it.
you need to isntall the postgress DB. installing it will allow you to configure the ArcGIS monitor site.
once installed you will need to configure the monitor DB by running the fowlloing script,
you need to update the IP address of the Server that has the monitor installed on
host <monitor_database_name> <database_username> <monitor_server_ip>/<ip_mask> <authentication_method>
For example, if the Monitor database name is agm, the database username is agm, the IP address of the machine on which ArcGIS Monitor Server will be installed is (replace this IP with your machine IP) with an IP mask of 32, and the authentication method is scram-sha-256, then the record would be added as follows:
Cannot get the ArcGIS Monitor 2023 to connect to the PostgreSQL datbase in the setup Monitor step. Any suggestions are welcome.
Steps to tried to connect ArcGIS Monitor 2023 to PostgreSQL database:
1. Updated the pg_hba.conf File
Updated the pg_hba.conf file on your PostgreSQL server to allow connections from your ArcGIS client machines. Ran the pg_ctl reload and restarted the postgresql service.
2. Attempted Connection via Web Browsers on and off the hosting server
Tried connecting to the database using both Firefox and Chrome browsers on the server where the database instance is locally hosted. This was to test if the issue was with the database server or the client machine.
3. Tested Connection from Desktop
Was able to connect to the database from your desktop using ArcGIS Pro. This suggests that the issue is not with the database itself, but possibly with the connection between the ArcGIS Monitor and the database.
4. Encountered Connection Pool Error
Received an error message stating Authentication or address for database failed "Knex: Timeout acquiring a connection. The pool is probably full. Are you missing a .transacting(trx) call?"
This suggests that all connections in the pool are being used and none are currently available. Tried various “hostname:port” configurations.