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Integration micro service / workflow manager

6 hours ago
New Contributor


i need to monitor some info relate to my arcgis workflow manager. I would like to show the number of jobs created from user and some other info.

There is a way to do that? I have a python fast api micro service that just work on esri rest service to retrieve these  information, there is a way to integrate it into Analysis of Monitor?



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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi @vais,

> i need to monitor some info relate to my arcgis workflow manager. I would like to show the number of jobs created from user and some other info.

Currently, ArcGIS Monitor does not collect metrics on ArcGIS Workflow Manager. Sorry. Can you please submit a new enhancement request on the ArcGIS Monitor Ideas forum? Please state what kind of metrics you're interested in and the use case. 

Hope this helps,

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