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Connect Monitor to Egdb 10.7.1 on SQL Server

04-04-2023 06:08 AM
New Contributor


I'm going through and configuring ArcGIS Monitor 2023. When connecting to my enterprise geodatabases Monitor seems to not sense that they are geodatabases. We are running egdb version 10.7.1 on SQL Server 2019 with a dbo. type schema. I followed the documentation and gave the account view server state permission on the server level and db_owner in the database but still can't find it. Is there something in SQL that I'm missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello, can you try registering the EGDB with the account you specified as the geodatabase administrator when the EGDB was created in ArcGIS Pro? This is a known issue that will be addressed in the upcoming patch.

New Contributor

I tried again with the account suggested and let it run for 30 mins to collect data. Nothing has really changed. I seem to be getting sql server metrics but not geodatabase. The previous account was created in SSMS not pro. 

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