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ArcGIS Monitor 2023 IIS rewrite for 443 -> 30443

02-19-2023 07:00 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hi there,

I've set up IIS with ARR 3 and Url rewrite to expose Monitor on 443 - I've got a simpler rule which just takes the url and throughs it on the other port - I haven't changed any headers or the like - does anyone have a sample / example I can compare with for IIS? Are there any needed headers etc for ArcGIS Monitor 2023?



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Esri Contributor

Hi @FraserHand - there is an article just published that walks through a simple case on IIS - there should be no need to handle headers in a special way. It's mostly just adding a rewrite rule.

Connecting to ArcGIS Monitor 2023 through IIS - Esri Community