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Webhook attributes to match collection feature service.

04-24-2024 03:03 PM
Occasional Contributor

The webhook subscribed events lacks a lot of attribute information when compared to the feature service enabled on the collection. The feature service has the complete attributes values. Which makes it easy to create a dashboard in portal. For example the alert webhook events status value is an integer but no status name (info, warning, critical) can be found. The metrics events in webhook does not include the actual metrics data value which is not usable in including in our notification. If we can have the exact same webhook attribute structure as the collection feature service, it will give much more flexibility when customizing our system alerts and metrics. (Note: when creating a collection notification, it does not have metrics events in the webhook) 

We are using the example from but wanted to include the metrics value in our teams notification.

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Status changed to: Under Consideration