Custom Metrics and Queries for Databases for ArcGIS Monitor

01-29-2024 01:48 AM
Regular Contributor


  • Request: Enable users to add custom metrics or queries for databases, allowing for the creation of custom monitoring parameters.
  • Example Use Case: For instance, a query such as SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes)/(1024*1024*1024) AS total_free_space_gb
    FROM dba_Free_space
    GROUP BY tablespace_name;
    could be employed to display the available free space in different tablespaces.


  • Flexibility and Customization: Providing users with the ability to define and monitor custom metrics or queries is crucial for accommodating diverse database monitoring needs. This feature would empower administrators to tailor monitoring to the specific requirements of their databases.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Custom queries, like the example mentioned, can offer insights into specific database aspects that might be critical for administrators, such as available free space in tablespaces.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Custom metrics enable users to track and analyze database performance based on parameters that are most relevant to their organization, facilitating informed decision-making.


  • Tailored Monitoring: Organizations can define metrics that align with their unique database structures and requirements.
  • Proactive Issue Identification: Administrators can set up custom queries to identify potential issues or trends specific to their databases.
  • Comprehensive Database Management: This feature enhances the depth and scope of database monitoring, contributing to a more comprehensive and efficient database management solution.
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by Esri Contributor
Status changed to: Under Consideration

Adding custom metrics would be a great feature to take full advantage of ArcGIS Monitor. Hope to see rolling out this feature in next release. 


Being notified immediately when a critical services go down would be great!