ArcGIS Monitor 2023's host Discover observer coincidentally creates an amazing hardware register. While it's not strictly within ArcGIS Monitor's core business of "monitoring", a register like this is very helpful for GIS administrators like me who don't manage the VMs or hardware - and don't have access to IT's catalog - but are still required to know about the available resources in order to properly manage the software on top.
Having the following extra attributes requested by hosts' Discover observer would be a real bonus:
- Physical disk size and make/model (not just mounted drives)
- Graphics RAM and make/model
Example Powershell commands:
Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session -Class Win32_DiskDrive | Select-Object DeviceID, Caption, Size, Model
Get-CimInstance -CimSession $Session -Class Win32_VideoController | Select-Object DeviceID, Name, AdapterRam