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ArcGIS Monitor Extension Input Types

09-27-2020 04:36 PM

ArcGIS Monitor Extension Input Types

When creating extensions for ArcGIS Monitor there's a number of predefined input types that can be used to get pass information from the ArcGIS Monitor Administrator user interface, to the code in the index.js of your extension. This document is intended to provide a quick reference for other extension developers on what input types exist for ArcGIS Monitor, and what they all do. This information is current for ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1. For more info on creating your own extensions for ArcGIS Monitor, you may be interested in checking out my blog post  A Crash Course in Extending ArcGIS Monitor with Node.JS


Allows the user to enter a string of text when configuring the extension input within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.

    stringInput: {
        type: 'string',
        value: '< Enter text here >',
        help: 'This is a string input'


Allows the user to select or add credentials stored within Monitor Administrator when configuring the extension inputs. When using a credentialMap input type, the options object passed to your extension when will contain .user and .password properties that relate to the credentials selected within Monitor Administrator. 

    credmapInput: {
        type: 'credentialMap',
        help: 'This is a credentialMap input'


Used to display a message to the user in red highlighted text - this can be useful for displaying important notes and warnings to the user configuring the extensions.

    note: {
        type: 'form-note',
        value: 'Important - pay attention to this message!'


Standard password input for entering passwords when configuring the extension within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.

    passwordInput: {
        type: 'password',
        help: 'This is a password input' 


Allows the user to enter a number when configuring the extension within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.

        type: 'number',
        value: 3,
        help: 'This is a number input' 


Provides a dropdown list of options for the user to select when configuring the extension within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.

    arrayInput: {
        type: 'array',
        value: ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
        help: 'This is an array input' 


Provides a true/false radio box for the user to select when configuring the extension within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.

        type: "boolean",
        help: 'This is a boolean input' 


Provides a field for the user to select a directory when when configuring the extension within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator. Clicking the ellipsis button to the right of the input opens a standard Windows directory selection dialog

        type: "directory",
        value: "C:\\temp",
        help: 'This is a directory input'


Provides a field for the user to select a file when when configuring the extension within ArcGIS Monitor Administrator. Clicking the ellipsis button to the right of the input opens a standard Windows file selection dialog. 

    fileInput: {
        type: 'file',
        value: "C:\\temp\\hello world.txt",
        help: 'This is a file input'


The value property defined within your code for this input type determines the minimum sampling interval in seconds, that the user is able to select when configuring the extension. 

    min_resolution: {
        type: 'minimum_resolution',
        value: 300

Version history
Last update:
‎12-12-2021 03:44 AM
Updated by:
Anonymous User