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ArcGIS for Maritime Agenda - Esri User Conference 2018

06-08-2018 01:32 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
3 6 1,540

Join is at Esri UC 2018 for 5 days of 1000 sessions, 450 hours of GIS training and 300 exhibitors.

ArcGIS for Maritime experts will be at hand to answer your questions while introducing new cutting edge technology and functionality.

There are many opportunities for you to meet and greet them.

Esri UC 2018 Maritime Agenda is as follows:

Ocean and Maritime SIG

SDCC - Room 25 B

Join the community of Ocean and Maritime GIS professionals from academia, government science agencies, marine conservation organizations, and commercial operators. We will share the latest information from Esri that affects this community, hear brief presentations from a few selected organizations, learn about new data collection and processing workflows, and most importantly, provide time and space to network with colleagues.

Categories - Oceans, User Conference, Special Interest Group Meeting, Maritime and Ports, Non-Technical

Tuesday, July 10 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Geollect Maritime Risk Modelling to Improve Safety and Speed of Transits

SDCC - Esri Showcase: Startup Zone Spotlight Theater

Geollect has developed an automated maritime risk mitigation model in known hot spots on a global scale for the blue economy. Utilising geostatistical analysis of multiple data sources, we identify the safest and quickest transits through areas of concern, saving time and money.

Categories - User Conference, EXPO Spotlight Talks, All Users

Tuesday, July 10 1:30 pm - 1:40 pm

ArcGIS for Maritime: Making Maritime Data Accessible

SDCC - Demo Theater 05 This session will demonstrate how users can publish and consume maritime information throughout the ArcGIS platform to support various industries such as Ports, Natural Resources and Defense.

Categories - Web GIS: Enterprise, User Conference, All Users, Demo Theater Presentation

Tuesday, July 10 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Maritime Standards: A Primer

SDCC - Esri Showcase: Interoperability and Standards Spotlight Theater Esri support for Maritime Standards reviewed

Categories - User Conference, EXPO Spotlight Talks, All Users

Wednesday, July 11 2:30 pm - 2:50 pm

Charting a New Course

SDCC - Room 24 A Ports and Maritime agencies have discovered a wide range of benefits from a successful GIS program. These presentations highlight how GIS can drive operational performance improvements.

Categories - User Presentations, User Conference, Ports, Non-Technical

Thursday, July 12 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Using AIS Data to Improve Inland Navigation Charts


Daniel McBride
With the build-out of AIS transceivers across the inland waterway network, there is a new source of commercial vessel data that has many potential uses. In addition to the value of realtime position information to safety and logistics, the cumulative datasets that accrue from the logged messages have tremendous additional value. This high-resolution data has applications for navigation charting and navigation channel operations and maintenance.

The Port of San Diego – A Port as a City


Malcolm Meikle
Overview of the Port of San Diego overreaching GIS as it relates to a multi discipline system that performs the function of a city management tool above standard port maritime activities. The Port of San Diego is a dynamic environment that contains not only maritime activities but Real Estate, Tourism, Environmental, Planning, Engineering as well as Police and homeland security functions. The Port’s GIS has a direct connection to all of these areas.

Ports Special Interest Group

SDCC - Room 25 C

Ports and Maritime User Group Meeting that brings together industry leaders within the ports and maritime markets to discuss best practices, future trends, and solutions.

Categories - User Conference, Special Interest Group Meeting, Non-Technical

Thursday, July 12 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Using Ocean Data for Operational Planning

SDCC - Demo Theater 11

Our oceans are dynamic, conditions change rapidly making it difficult to plan and conduct field operations. The Living Atlas of the World provides access to information that can help determine if the conditions are suitable for your specific work. This session demonstrates how you can utilize requirements criteria coupled with data from the Living Atlas of the World to help safely plan and conduct field operations in the open ocean.

Categories - User Conference, All Users, Demo Theater Presentation, Living Atlas

Tuesday, July 10 10:00 am - 10:45 am

Using ArcGIS Pro to Build and Share Hi-Res Local Ecological Marine Units

SDCC - Room 04

To maintain a healthy ocean and support sustainability, it is necessary to have a baseline for understanding the ocean’s ecosystems and a framework for detecting change. Ecological Marine Units (EMUs) are global, 3D, long-term mapped ecosystems that can help meet these goals. However, they are sometimes too temporally and spatially coarse to be useful in bays, estuaries and nearshore waters. Learn how to leverage the workflow used to create global EMUs to build, visualize, analyze and share highly localized EMUs using data from both NOAA’s World Ocean Database and your local in situ observations.
Categories - User Conference, Intermediate, Living Atlas, Technical Workshop

Wednesday, July 11 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Regional Ecosystem Assessments and Analysis

SDCC - Room 25 B

These papers focus on workflows for analyzing chemical and atmospheric processes in regional marine and ocean systems.

Categories - Oceans, User Presentations, User Conference, Non-Technical

Thursday, July 12 8:30 am - 9:30 am SDCC

Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms Using ArcGIS


Analise Keeney, Jaclyn Ludema
Blooms of harmful algae exist on every coast of the United States, and are linked to nutrient pollution and climate change. NOAA has developed an ArcGIS infrastructure to support monitoring and mitigating the public health and socioeconomic effects of HABs through efficient analysis, flexible coding, and integrated service delivery. ArcGIS is involved in every step of HAB analysis and ultimately provides a platform for continued HAB product evolution.

Spatial Study of Aerosols and Ocean Temperature on Cyclone Days Near Australia


Rupsa Bhowmick
Effect of aerosol optical depth (AOD) and sea surface temperature (SST) on tropical cyclone (TC) days’ number over the Southwest Pacific is explored from 1985 - 2015. Space-time cubes of TC formation locations are created to find genesis hotspots. Spatial regression models the relationship between gridded AOD and SST and the length of each TC track within a grid. Spatial regression provides a detailed scenario of TC days’ dependency on AOD and SST.

Understanding the Basics: Imagery and Remote Sensing

SDCC - Room 08

It is often said that a picture is worth a 1000 words, but in GIS, imagery is far more than just pictures. It is any cell-based (often called raster) data that is spatially aligned. While it might be the color and intensity values of reflected light captured in an aerial photograph; it could also be the average height over 10 square meter blocks in a specific region, or average rainfall, or even a highly detailed Lidar rendering of the ocean floor. In this introductory level session, we will explore imagery as a source of information that supports decision making and helps save time, money, and resources.

Categories - Understanding GIS for New Users, Complementary Recording, User Conference, All Users, Technical Workshop

Thursday, July 12 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Ocean Research Collaboration in the Arctic

SDCC - Room 25 B
These presentations focus on the use of GIS for high-latitude collaboration and technology exchange to understand ecosystems in the Arctic.

Categories - Oceans, User Presentations, User Conference, Non-Technical

Thursday, July 12 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Transportation Exchange

Hilton - Sapphire Terrace

Join attendees across the highways, ports, airports, public transit, and rail industries at the Transportation Exchange, a forum to network and share best practices among peers.

Categories - Public Transit, Airports and Aviation, User Conference, Ports, Highways and Roads, Social Activity, Maritime and Ports, Non-Technical

Sunday, July 08 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

ArcGIS Pro: Working with Temporal Data

SDCC - Room 29 C

This session will provide an overview of the functionality, techniques, and tips for visualizing temporal data in ArcGIS Pro. This includes: event-driven content, such as earthquakes; content captured on a regular schedule, such as monthly sea-surface temperatures; and ordered progressions of content through time, such as ship locations based on the number of days since they left port.
We will discuss and demonstrate the best practices for interactively filtering and navigating your content through time, as well as show how to export your temporal views as video animations.

Categories - User Conference, All Users, Mapping, Technical Workshop

Thursday, July 12 10:00 am - 11:00 am Thursday, July 12 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Communicating and Visualizing Change

SDCC - Room 24 B

This session shares innovative new strategies for using GIS to support communication and outreach efforts. From leveraging 3D and 4D data of water quality and climate change data to effectively communicate complex concepts and issues to scientists, land managers, academics, students, and local citizens. This session covers implementation, analysis, best practices, and lessons learned. Technical themes such as analytics in ArcGIS Pro, story maps, Ecological Marine Unit (EMU) data, and more, will be presented.

Categories - Government, User Presentations, User Conference, Non-Technical

Tuesday, July 10 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

Delivering U.S. Forest Service Climate Change Information Using ArcGIS Online

Erik Johnson, Nathan Walker
Ready access to drought and climate information is helping the Forest Service prepare for the future by characterizing the environment and risks. The Office of Sustainability and Climate has developed a suite of online galleries consisting of story maps, layers, maps, and other resources for land managers, GIS practitioners and the public. The galleries harness ArcGIS Online technology to deliver a collection of vibrant mapping content based on scientific drought and climate change data.

Visualizing Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Data in Four Dimensions

John Wolf
The Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP) maintains over 30 years of three-dimensional water quality data. CBP geographers and water quality experts are collaborating with ESRI to develop 4D visualizations of this data along with high resolution bathymetry. Lessons learned from the Ecological Marine Unit project as well as capabilities of ArcGIS Pro are being used to communicate a variety of storylines. This presentation will provide an overview of the project along with sample visualizations.

Localized Marine Modeling and Analysis

SDCC - Room 25 B

These authors discuss a variety of methods and analytical models used to study, predict, and understand marine ecosystems of modest size, in San Fransico Bay, CA, and Flower Gardens, Gulf of Mexico.

Categories - Oceans, User Presentations, User Conference, Non-Technical

Wednesday, July 11 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Localizing Ecological Marine Units for Flower Garden Banks

NMS Hayleigh Pervorse
Ecological Marine Units (EMUs), traditionally created at the global scale, provide information about ocean ecosystems from sea surface to sea floor. This project used data for the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary to create localized EMUs. A 3D point mesh was created from ecological data collected at different depths and times. Statistical analyses, clustering, and 3D visualization were then used to produce more detailed and more temporallyspecific EMUs.

Eelgrass Density in the SF Bay Using Side-Scan Sonar and Bathymetric Imagery

Chris Zumwalt
Eelgrass beds in the San Francisco Bay are both ecologically valued and protected. Mapping the bed’s extent and plant density with field surveys alone, can be difficult and very costly. We developed an efficient and accurate model using ArcGIS and remote sensing software using underwater side-scan sonar imagery and bathymetric data. Sharing our success and difficulties with the ESRI UC community will be rewarding for both presenter and audience.

ArcGIS Pro for Marine Animal Movement Analysis

SDCC - Room 25 B
These authors discuss their methods for using ArcGIS Pro to understand and track whale and sea turtle movement.

Categories - Oceans, User Presentations, User Conference, Non-Technical

Thursday, July 12 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Using ArcGIS Pro to Analyze Whale Dive Patterns off the Eastern Pacific Ocean

Clinton Stipek
This project shows the utility of using opportunistic small-boat based surveys in cohesion with ArcGIS pro to identify and analyze blue, humpback and gray whale diving patterns in relation to prey. 72 cases of 44 different days were identified as whale dives and subjected to postprocessing. Analysis was done with ArcGIS on whether or not the whales had a preference over patch or continuous layers of prey. By using opportunistically gathered data and ArcGIS, valuable data was gathered.

Effectiveness of Sea Turtle Ordinances in Mitigating ONAs


Christina Marconi
South Florida is an important area that serves as critical habitat for nesting sea turtles, especially loggerheads (Caretta caretta). When a sea turtle encounters some type of unnatural, man-made object that interferes with her nesting process while on the beach, it is called an obstructed nesting attempt (ONA). These often result in a false crawl and impact the nesting behavior of the sea turtle.