Hi, I am new to arcGIS and relatively new to Unreal.
I am trying the Display a map (UI) tutorial, and I am pretty sure I have done everything it says. (added the map, camera, Basemap, API and elevation). However, the map does not appear on my level.
I've set up the ArcGISViewStateLogging and have seen the following warnings come through:
LogTemp: Warning: ArcGISRendererView status=NoViewport|Warning message='Spatial reference invalid or incompatible.' additional-message='View spatial reference has no vertical coordinate system. Vertical units will be interpreted as the horizontal coordinate system's units: Meter'
LogTemp: Warning: ArcGISRendererView status=Active|Warning message='Spatial reference invalid or incompatible.' additional-message='View spatial reference has no vertical coordinate system. Vertical units will be interpreted as the horizontal coordinate system's units: Meter'
LogTemp: Error: ArcGISLayer status=Error name='home' message='Invalid request response.' additional-message=''
Could you look at our troubleshooting guide and see if that fixes your issue? https://developers.arcgis.com/unreal-engine/faq/ under "Why is my data not displaying on the map?"