Hello, I followed the documentation instruction to create polylines through code, but it does not work.
In the documentation, the snipped code offered is this one
"// define some map points (airports: LA, Chicago, Paris)
var laxPoint = new ArcGISPoint(-118.408, 33.943, ArcGISSpatialReferences.Wgs84);
var ordPoint = new ArcGISPoint(-87.905, 41.979, ArcGISSpatialReferences.Wgs84);
var orlyPoint = new ArcGISPoint(2.379, 48.723, ArcGISSpatialReferences.Wgs84);
// add the points to a collection
var stops = new ArcGISPoint[] { laxPoint, ordPoint, orlyPoint };
// create a new Polyline from the points
var myFlightPath = new Esri.GameEngine.Geometry.ArcGISPolyline(stops);"
Reasons for the problems that I'm having:
-> ArcGISSpatialReferences.Wgs84 -> ArcGISSpatialReferences don't exist the only thing close to this that works is this: ArcGISSpatialReference.WGS84()
-> Esri.GameEngine.Geometry.ArcGISPolyline(stops) -> This does not take parameters, so it does not work, and I have no idea what should be added to work. Could you please provide me what I might be missing and which documentation I can follow in order for this to work?
ArcGISSpatialReference.WGS84() is the correct spatial reference method to use.
As for this line
// create a new Polyline from the points
var myFlightPath = new Esri.GameEngine.Geometry.ArcGISPolyline(stops);"
You actually need to use the ArcGISPolylineBuilder class to create a polyline
It will look something like this
var myFlightPath = new Esri.GameEngine.Geometry.ArcGISPolylineBuilder(stops.Length, ArcGISSpatialReference.WGS84());"
foreach (stop in stops)
Sorry about that we will get the doc updated
Sorry slightly wrong with the code I suggested
var myFlightPath = new Esri.GameEngine.Geometry.ArcGISPolylineBuilder(ArcGISSpatialReference.WGS84());
foreach (var stop in stops)