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Dithering and partial rendering opacity issues with ArcGIS Unity Map 3D object layers

02-28-2024 11:48 AM
New Contributor II


I've been trying out adding 3D Object Layers from ArcGIS Living Atlas on the tabletop map sample scene in Unity 2022.3.20. I've noticed a dither-based implementation of opacity for these layers in the SceneNodeSurface shader. This doesn't look great in VR for real-time opacity changes see we see a dotty dither texture on the 3D objects. The dither pattern becomes extremely obvious at low opacity levels by design. I've also tried using the TransparentSceneNodeSurface shader but regardless of how I've tried modifying it (e.g. changing render face on shader graph settings), the buildings only seem to partially render. I've also tried the default URP lit texture which results in the lack of clipping of the layer within the extent. Is there a pre-built ArcGIS shader for the 3D object layers with non-dither based opacity that I can use?


image (2).png

Dithered low opacity rendering with SceneNodeSurface 

image (3).png

Partial rendering with TransparentSceneNodeSurface 



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