Working with SDK 1.4.0 I've been able to get a few 3DObject and Vector Tile layers working from Living Atlas, but so far none of the same types when it comes to layers hosted on an Enterprise server. I followed the instructions on creating an App in the Developer Dashboard, and added the name and Client ID into Unity under Authentication Credentials, and then selected that Authentication for the internally hosted layers.
After no luck, I've tried several combinations of adding our organization's portal to the Redirect URI field, using the Client Secret as the OAuth token, whatever I can do to hopefully get those layers to show, but I've extended everything useful in the documentation. Has anybody else gone through this workflow with success?
Sorry to see that you're having trouble with this. Have you followed the steps in both topics Add and register an app using developer credentials (this covers adding an OAuth 2.0 application to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal) and OAuth 2.0 User authentication (this covers implementing end-user OAuth 2.0 authentication in editor mode and game mode)?
If you're still having trouble after following these topics, please let us know, and we'll ensure the doc is enhanced.
I've tried everything except there are no OAuth Challenge Handlers when I go to Add Components in the Inspector.