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04-21-2013 03:44 PM
Deactivated User

i need help with tool "Obstruction Identification Surfaces"

I have the version arcgis 10, in the dialog box of the tool  ICAO Annex 14, I asked runways direction is according to help I have two options, to manually WEST_EAST or EAST_WEST, but the field is disabled, I create a field in the feature and put the option, but I do not recognize the information

sorry for my English, use translator

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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Hey Roberto,

The 10 version of the OIS tools including Annex 14 have a few requirements that must be met to use the tools.  Most of these dependencies have been removed in newer releases. 

First, the user must have the input and output features classes they intend to use with the tools in an AIS or Airports data model based Production Database.  Both of these data models are provided as part of the Esri Aeronautical Solution. 

Second, within the Production Database, there must be the 'ObstacleSurfaceParameter' table.  This table has been populated with all of the defaults values of each runway classification.  

Third, for input and output features, the user must add either the ADHPCenterline and ObstacleArea feature classes from the AIS model as the input and output features; or the RunwayCenterline and ObstructionIdSurface feature class from the Airports data model. 

With these three requirements met, all of the remaining parameters on the GP interface should become active and allow you to choose different options like Runway Classification and Runway Direction. 

Please let us know if this helps.
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Deactivated User
ok, thanks!!!

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