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What version of BAG format is supported? Are VR BAGs?

02-21-2019 10:40 AM
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Frequent Contributor

What version of BAG (Bathymetry Attributed Grid) format is supported in ArcGIS Desktop with and without the Mapping and Charting extensions?

I need to use variable resolution (VR) BAG v1.6 or later rasters in ArcGIS, but when I bring one in, it appears to show only the lowest of the resolutions it contains.

My thought is that ArcGIS may not be reading the variable resolution refinement grid that is included in VR BAGs. 

GDAL 2.4 and later can deal with VR BAGs.

More on VR BAGs.

Does anybody know if ArcGIS is able to read them properly, and if so how?


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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor


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Frequent Contributor

Bueller? Bueller?

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MVP Emeritus

If GDAL can deal with them, then I presume that you would need to make a clone of the ArcGIS Pro environment and upgrade Pro's 2.1.1 version of gdal to 2.4.. at least then you would have an access point to Pro

Frequent Contributor

Thanks for the response and idea Dan, I hadn't thought of hotwiring Pro with a newer version of GDAL. Not sure how to actually do it, but that's an interesting idea.

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MVP Emeritus

Did you miss the 'Clone' discussion?


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Frequent Contributor

I most certainly did! Thanks, I'll check it out.

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