I have an ArcMap layout containing some MS Excel charts. I am familiar with the ability to dynamically link the charts via Insert > Object, however I don't believe this to be fit for my purpose because I wish to create a raster catalog containing images of the charts so that I can cycle them through products in a data driven fashion.
So I have experimented with converting my Excel charts to a number of different image formats including PNG, JPG, BMP, TIF. Regardless of which format I am using, every time I export the product to PDF the quality of the Excel charts degrades to a point where I don't feel they are useable.
I can achieve the desired level of quality when I copy and paste the chart directly from Excel to ArcMap, but this method means I am unable to utilise data driven pages.
Does anybody have a suggestion about how to best tackle this issue?
Hi, Justin. Try this. . . .Copy and insert your Excel Chart as a "Picture" in ArcMap using Paste Special/Picture. When exporting to PDF, use: General Tab, Export Map/dpi 400/. . .Image Quality "Best",/ Format Options, RGB, Compress Vector Graphics (Off), Adaptive, JPEG Quality "Max", Vectorize Layers . . , Convert Marker Symbols . . (Off), Embed All. . Fonts (Checked). You should get a clean chart image in your new PDF.
Good luck!,
It should be noted to the previous that PDF is not a supported file type in a raster catalog. That is why I added the above workflow. . .