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Importing an ESRI Style file - and THEN?

07-04-2019 06:27 PM
Labels (4)
Emerging Contributor

Hi guys!

Imported an ESRI style file in ArcPro to add to a shapefile, but it has 40 different colours based on the SYM_CODE field of the shapefile. I could only find a way to assign each value/label its colour by manually clicking on the colour and picking the right one from the linked Style file library.

Is there a way to automate it for all 40 values/colours?

There seems to be a geo-processing tool to assign symbology from a layer file and not a style file. 

Importing a style file, honestly only seems to link to the the style colour library- it doesn't add the colour scheme directly onto the shapefile.

Any advice would be appreciated!


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