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How to manually edit attribute data onto a LiDAR point cloud using ArcGIS

01-20-2016 12:39 PM
Labels (2)
Deactivated User

Hi everyone,

I am a new comer to ArcGIS. I have a LiDAR point cloud in .las format, collected using a ground based laser scanner, and I would like to manually edit four separate attribute data onto the point cloud. Essentially this means using the point cloud as a 'canvas' or base map onto which I want to add a bunch of data. For context, I used a camera to film chunks of ice breaking from the front of a glacier. The pieces of ice range in their location, timing, size, and shape. These individual attributes need to be edited onto the point cloud so that I can derive the real world location of the events, and visualize the spatial distribution of the events, and distributions of more than one attribute at a time. For example, it would be useful if I could compare the distribution of size and shape to see if they occur in the same / different locations. At the very basic level, I would really like to see the spatial distribution of the events. I was hoping that I could therefore keep each attribute as a separate layer, and click layers on and off depending on the analysis and question I have to explore data with.

Does anyone know how to manually edit a point cloud? I am a new comer to ArcGIS but learn quickly, especially if I have instructions to follow.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks and warm wishes!


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