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Create points with Z, intersecting one 2D line and one 3D line

11-02-2017 02:59 AM
Labels (2)
Deactivated User

Hi everybody

I have two layers of points (in a shape of a line) more or less parallel and more or less each 5m, Those points have a  Z field,

I would like to create ortholines exactly between two points of the layer A. those ortholines will intersect a line created thanks to the point of the layer B, that means a Zline.

What I would like is to create automatically points with Z by intersecting this Z line and the ortholines. I have arround 9000 pts to create with this.

the B should be create with the B points, and I would like to create the C points with elevation by intersecting the ortholines in the midlle of the A points

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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

I suppose that this will require some scripting , so I will tag the Python‌ space to give it more visibility. You could move it there, since the GeoNet Help space is only for questions on how to use GeoNet.

If possible, I would recommend you to include some sample data that corresponds to the image you included to make it easier to understand and provide a solution.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

i see that this question was marked as "assumed answered", but I'm pretty sure it isn't. 

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Deactivated User

Yes, my mistake, 'm quite New on the forum 😕

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

So, any chance on sharing some sample data?

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