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GIS your S-57 data…

01-17-2017 04:31 PM
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GIS your S-57 data…

ArcGIS for Maritime Charting Team has posted new script tools to GitHub that can be used with the 10.5 release.


These tools allow you to interact with S-57 data inside the Esri platform. They open data that was previously restricted to specialized applications. Once in a GIS, you can use the analytic power and broad sharing capabilities provided by Esri to interact with this data in new and innovative ways.


S-57 To Chart is a Python script tool that takes an S-57 ENC file and outputs a paper chart map document. Once you have run the tool and have created a paper chart you can modify the cartography in ArcMap. From ArcMap you can export this chart  to PDF, Layout GeoTIFF, or any one of the many formats ArcMap supports.


S-57 to GIS is a Python script tool that allows you to quickly and easily load as many ENC cells as you need into a geodatabase. Once the data is stored it’s immediately available in your GIS, allowing you to explore and analyze the rich content contained in S-57 data. You can even symbolize with S-52 making it easy and intuitive to understand.

These tools are at your fingertips on Github now!

S-57 To Chart

S-57 to GIS


We’re really excited to introduce these functionalities and look forward to your comments and feedback. You can contact us at

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Version history
Last update:
‎01-17-2017 04:31 PM
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