I have a .NET application that is managed by another team in my department. The team asked if I could calculate mileage between two points in a manner in which the origin and destination would be user defined input fields on their application. After having some cert issues with google maps OD cost matrix I looked into an ArcGIS solution and came across this API reference:
I've gotten it to work using xy coordinates:
The team has said they can get their app to kick off the python snippet:
oAddress = "555 5th Street, Anytown, Anystate 55555"
dAddress = "999 9th Street, Anytown, Anystate 99999"
origin = geocode(oAddress)
destination = geocode(dAddress)
where oAddress and dAddress would be derived from user input fields in the app
I can grab the XY values by calling the resultant dict keys within the results list:
It would be much better, however, if we could simply grab the addresses from the user input fields, encode them as such:
and put them in the url request string.
I tried to do this and got the following error response:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"extendedCode": -2147200939,
"message": "Unable to complete operation.",
"details": [
"The input points are not all located within a single region."
(the actual addresses are within the same city)
Is there another way to simply encode or geocode addresses within the same url request to solve a simple 1 to 1 OD pair route?