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05-29-2018 10:26 AM
New Contributor III

Raúl Jiménez Ortega

I've read through the documentation several times at:

Create Map Area—ArcGIS REST API: Packaging Service | ArcGIS for Developers 

Setup Map Area—ArcGIS REST API: Packaging Service | ArcGIS for Developers 

Refresh Map Area Package—ArcGIS REST API: Packaging Service | ArcGIS for Developers 

Q1: These APIs currently work against ArcGIS Online, not yet against Portal for ArcGIS Enterprise. Correct?

Q2: I'm struggling to understand the differences between Setup Map Area and Create Map Area. Can you explain?

Q3: Is there an intended flow where all three of these APIs are to be used together? e.g. Setup > Create > Refresh?

I'm about to embark on some proof of concept work, but a high-level understanding before starting would be GREAT

Cam Barnard

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10 Replies
New Contributor III

Hi David - yes that was the most common 'incorrect' response when asking for status, I think there was one other that I'd occasionally see but I'll have to capture it next time I run through the sequence (which I plan to do after making my initial web map more complicated).

I sometimes see this as well.