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Add Daylight Savings Time to the World Time Zones feature service

12-23-2020 09:07 AM
Status: Under Consideration
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

The existing time zone service would be more useful if it included daylight savings time  from . 

The end goal: put lat/long and time/date and get time zone description (e.g., Americas/Los Angeles)  and UTC offset with daylight savings time.


Thanks for the idea. The Living Atlas team will discuss...

Status changed to: Under Consideration

The responsible Living Atlas team has taken this under consideration, though there are some hurdles to overcome in implementation. We'll continue to consider how best to implement this, and appreciate your idea. We will also continue to monitor the popularity of this idea.

by Anonymous User

This would be very helpful.  I'm working with a dateset of notifications that are reported in local time.  I'm using this layer to convert the time into UTC.  Knowing if they follow dst would be helpful