Currently, my Esri Map is displaying the locations on the Esri Map as pinpoints after I pass the location details(latitude, longitude, etc..) to the Esri Map.
So, now what I wanted is when a user clicks on a specific pinpoint, I want to show a popup template and display a table containing its Address, longitude, latitude, etc. I want to dynamically iterate through the array of location objects which I already have(locationData) and set popupTemplate title, content, feildInfo, fieldName etc.
Here is what I have done and I'm getting the following console error now.
const popUpTemplate = new PopupTemplate({ title: '', content:,i)=>( [ { type:"fields", fieldInfos: [ { fieldName: d.address, label: "Address" }, { fieldName: d.latitude, label: "Latitude", format: { places: 2 } }, { fieldName: d.longitude, label: "Longitude", format: { places: 2 } } ] }, new CustomContent({ outFields: ["*"], creator: (event) => { const a = document.createElement("a"); // a.href = event.graphic.attributes.url; = "_blank"; // a.innerText = event.graphic.attributes.url; return a; } }) ] )) }); const dataFeedLayer = new FeatureLayer({ source:,i)=>( { geometry: new Point({ longitude: d.longitude, latitude: d.latitude }), attributes: { ObjectID: i, ...d } } )), fields: [ { name: "ObjectID", alias: "ObjectID", type: "oid" }, { name: "name", alias: "Name", type: "string" }, { name: "addrs", alias: "addrs", type: "string" }, { name: "url", alias: "url", type: "string" }, { name: "lat", alias: "Latitude", type: "double" }, { name: "lon", alias: "Longitude", type: "double" } ], objectIdField: 'ObjectID', geometryType: "point", renderer: renderer, popupTemplate: popUpTemplate, }); webmap.add(dataFeedLayer);
[esri.core.Accessor] Accessor#set Invalid property value, value needs to be one of 'esri.popup.content.MediaContent', 'esri.popup.content.CustomContent', 'esri.popup.content.TextContent', 'esri.popup.content.AttachmentsContent', 'esri.popup.content.FieldsContent', or a plain object that can autocast (having .type = 'media', 'custom', 'text', 'attachments', 'fields')
Any idea on how to resolve this. Thanks in advance.