We need to add a street map in the below code for reprojection on the globe. I trust this is graphic which has been added. But is there any way where we can add street map or topo map as well and still use the reprojection?
Client-side projection | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8
Thanks in advance!
When requesting the image for the mapserver the image is reprojected by ArcGIS server to match the spatial reference of the request.
I mean how do we do it for this example:
Client-side projection | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.8
It is no possible to project a raster clientside.
Yes, I understand. Is there any alternate way?
No, Street Map basemap is a tiled map service you do not have access to the feature geometry to be able to re-project anything.
Well I got it. Sharing the source code.
Check this.
Create Map and add a dynamic layer
Not a globe but at least the projection thing worked.
Oh. I thought your question was specific to projecting the street map basemap...