The code creates the marker for each SN but the marker and labels do not move after the initial creation.
client.on('message', (topic, message) => {
const payload = JSON.parse(message.toString());
console.log('Received message:');
const serialNumber = payload.serial_number;
// Check if a point already exists for this serial number
if (pointsBySerialNumber.hasOwnProperty(serialNumber)) {
// Update the existing point's location
const existingPoint = pointsBySerialNumber[serialNumber];
existingPoint.latitude = payload.latitude;
existingPoint.longitude = payload.longitude;
existingPoint.z = payload.elevation_agl;
// Update the existing label's location
existingPoint.label.geometry = existingPoint.geometry.clone();
// The else works
else {
// Create a new point and store it in the dictionary
const newPoint = new Point({
latitude: payload.latitude,
longitude: payload.longitude,
z: payload.elevation_agl,
spatialReference: {
wkid: 4326
const newLabel = new Point({
latitude: payload.latitude,
longitude: payload.longitude,
z: payload.elevation_agl + 50,
spatialReference: {
wkid: 4326
// Lets update the label and AGL using the Last 4 of the SN
let lab = serialNumber.slice(-4) + ' \n AGL:' + Math.floor(payload.height).toString();
const label = new Graphic({
geometry: newLabel,
symbol: {
type: "text",
color: [255, 255, 255],
haloColor: [0, 0, 0],
haloSize: 2,
text: lab,
font: {
size: 12,
family: "sans-serif"
const imageUrl = 'p.png'; // Replace with the URL of your image
const imageSymbol = {
type: 'picture-marker',
url: imageUrl,
width: 20, // Adjust the width of the image
height: 20, // Adjust the height of the image
yoffset: 25 // Adjust this value to set the desired vertical offset
// Add the new image and label to the map[
new Graphic({
geometry: newPoint,
symbol: imageSymbol
// Store the new point and label in the dictionary
pointsBySerialNumber[serialNumber] = {
geometry: newPoint,
label: label
It doesn't appear there's a documented way to make the View update when a geometry's coordinates have changed, apart from cloning the geometry or the graphic.
Probably the best alternate way to achieve this is to use the undocumented "notifyGeometryChanged" method of the Graphic class. For example:
graphic.geometry.latitude = newLat;
graphic.geometry.longitude = newLon;
If you go in this direction, you'd need to change your "pointsBySerialNumber" map to store references to the graphic objects instead of the point objects.