I'm using geometryService.length to get length of Polyline, I would like to get and label each of segments (paths) of the polyline. Does geometryService return the lengths of each of the paths in results?
Based on the REST API documention [Lengths (Operation) ] it should return the length of each path.
Can you point me to of example to get the values? I'm trying looking at documentation here GeometryService (legacy) | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.17 but can figure out how to loop through lengths. I've tried
geometryService.on("lengths-complete", function (result) {
dojo.forEach(result.result.lengths, function (length) {
}); but it only returns 1 length.
I tested and it seems that the Lengths operation returns the full length for a multipath polyline geometry. So you would still need to iterate the polyline paths for getting the individual path length.
Try this to return the polyline path lengths:
var polyLine = new Polyline(...); // the polyline you want path lenghts for // iterate polyline paths for (p in polyLine.paths){ var tmpline = new Polyline({ "paths": [polyLine.paths ], "spatialReference": polyLine.spatialReference }); // get length for each path from geometry service getLengths(tmpline); } function getLengths(geom){ var lengthParams = new LengthsParameters(); lengthParams.polylines = [geom]; lengthParams.lengthUnit = geomService.UNIT_METER; lengthParams.geodesic = true; geomService.lengths(lengthParams, function(result){ console.log(result.lengths[0]); }); }
You might need to do some organising of the results to make sure the order is right.