Hi all! I am in the process of developing a web app where users can search and locate farmers' markets in their area. I want users to be able to search multiple fields from a single layer, i.e. the market name, city, and list of products they sell. Currently, the .csv layer is published from a Google sheet. I have tried several different Configurable App templates (Nearby and Map Styler) and data sources (from a .csv on a local drive and from a shapefile), but so far I have had no success in being able to search any of the fields. Up until last week, whenever I searched for a market, the Search box would always return a "no results were found" message. Recently, when I go to configure the search options, no fields appear for me to choose from (see image).
I can't seem to find anything related to this issue. Can anyone provide some guidance for how to get search fields to appear and be searched?