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Historical Map Collection - cannot locate resource files

03-11-2016 06:08 AM
Occasional Contributor

October 2015 I attended a workshop on the creation of the Historic Map Collection viewer. At the workshop we were told all resource files (MXD, custom toolbox with 3 scripts, data template) would be available on

NOTE: I am not talking about the GitHub repository for the application files. I have those. What I am looking for are the resource files for the map compilation workflow.

I have searched the ArcGIS website extensively with no success. I have found the ArcGIS Online map Historic Map App

but the Details page has no information for the resource files.

I can survive without the data template and MXD but I really need the toolbox and python scripts: Add Feature Class Indexes, Add Mosaic Dataset Indexes, Create Envelopes.

Supposedly there was to be a .zip file containing all of these resources available at

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Occasional Contributor

4 months later and I am still looking for these resources. I have emailed ESRI staff who presented the workshop but never received a reply.

This is a serious project for our organization and any help would be greatly appreciated.

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