The layer I am trying to display works fine in a web map on AGOL and my desktop. Attempting to create a web app with Attachment viewer always give "No attachments found".
Hi Robert,
Thank you for reaching out. Is the feature service that is being used in the application coming from ArcGIS Server/Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online?
It's from ArcGIS Online.
Hi Robert,
Got it, would you be able to provide the link to the application or the web map being used?
Hi Robert,
Thanks for providing the application. I did some testing with the application and was able to see the issue that you are seeing as well. I found that the attachments would not be recognized in the attachment viewer application when there was a map server service in the map, even if this isn't the layer with attachments. I went into my map and adjusted the URL for the map server to reference a direct item in the service, for example: https://<Server_URL>/arcgis/rest/services/<Service_Name>/MapServer/0
Rather than using the map server URL like this: https://<Server_URL>/arcgis/rest/services/<Service_Name>/MapServer
Can you try that adjustment and let me know if that helps the application to recognize the attachments in the water curb stop valves layer?
Adding /0 to the end of the URL without a space did the trick. Thanks.
How do you adjust the URL? Thanks!
I am having the same problem. How did you adjust the URL?