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Shadow Cast Widget activ by default

07-28-2023 05:03 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

We set up an instant App (3D-Viewer) with an global 3D-WebScene and implemented the shadow cast analysis widget, the one which can show shadow duration over time very nicely.
(ShadowCast | API Reference )

However, if we start the App the shadow cast analysis is always activ by default, so the red shadow results can be seen at startup without even activating the tool.

This is quite confusing for users starting the app and not knowing/wanting the shading in the beginning.

Please fix this, so the shadow cast analysis is only activ while using the widget.

(Or am I missing something?)

1 Comment

Thanks for the feedback on the Shadow Cast tool. We initially implemented it as always on but after some discussion and feedback like yours we've added new options to enable/disable shadows. This update will be available in the next release of ArcGIS Online due out in the fall.