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Instant Apps / Zone Lookup / Set Scale Level: this setting restricts the user's zoom scale to a single scale while using zone lookup.

11-21-2024 08:43 AM
Status: Open
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Occasional Contributor

When using Instant Apps with Zone Lookup, the setting "Set Scale Level" restricts the users experience to a single zoom scale.  For example: We have a school zone finder map where a user can search out their home address and find which schools they are zoned to.  With Set Scale Level turned off, when the user searches their address, the Zone Lookup tool zooms to the polygon of the first zone found in the results showing them their zone.  As the user clicks the "Zoom to Results in Map" button in the results, the map zooms to each individual resulting attendance zone.

When Set Scale Level is selected and a zoom level is set, after a user searches their address, the zone lookup zooms to the zoom scale set in the Set Scale Level settings (this is great!).  However when they click the "Zoom to Results in Map" button in the results, the scale remains limited to the set scale level.  As a result, the map zooms to the center point of the resulting polygon at the same zoom level rather than zooming to show the entire polygon.  The map is now stuck at this zoom level until Clear Search Location is clicked.  As one clicks through Zoom to Results in Map, the map just jumps, seemingly randomly to the lay user, to the center of each result. 

It would be very nice to have more options under Set Scale Level. For example, limit the scale to the initial result, then release the scale when the "Zoom to Results in Map" button is clicked.  Like a 'Jump to' scale for the initial address search.  This would allow the map to be set up so it zooms close in to the location of the initial search (so the user can verify the location of the search is correct), then zoom to the resulting zone polygons when they click "Zoom to Results in Map".

I hope that makes sense!