Let's say I have two layers (two link map layers (Indegree and Outdegree) created by Insights) in a single map. In the final shared page/workbook (as image i.e. no data access to the user) I would like the user to have the option to toggle one layer on at a time, as I don't want them to be shown together.
You could use Predefined Filters to accomplish something that is functionally the same.
This map has two layers and I've added the appropriate filters to toggle each layer. Clicking on one of the layer filters will remove the other layer from the map.
Good day Scott,
Nice to see you again, so if you look below, you will see that the layer on the map is not in the contents pane, so I don't know how to bring it to a predefined filter.
Are these two layers different?
Can you send a screenshot of the model view?
No the layer in the map was created from the layer pointed at in the contents pane.
And highlighted are the columns used to create the link map, by selecting them and then dragging them over the map which then creates the layer seen in the first screenshot.
Ok, I'm only seeing one link map layer in your map though.
Are you trying to create two link map layers? One styled with Indegree and another styled with Outdegree?
Yup, and so the map will have two layers for inflow and outflow. Right now these two layers are based on two separste datasets.
You should be able to add a filter value for each layer into one Predefined filter. You may need to add a placeholder value for each layer where every record is the same so you can create the filter value.
For example:
-On Predefined Filter, add filter from Inflow layer where <Field you created> = <Value you created>. Rename to Inflow
-Do the same for Outflow layer
-Use the Single select appearance for the filter.
Whenever a users selects the Inflow filter value they are being shown all of the Inflow layer, essentially removing the Outflow, and vice versa.
Does that address what you're trying to do here?
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the quick response, I am off Thankgiving break, so I will let you know on Monday.
Happy Thanksgiving!