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Formatting Events

08-09-2023 09:01 AM
Occasional Contributor

I was pretty disappointed to find you have absolutely no control over how Events are displayed in the Event panel.  In my case, I have an ETL process setup to push Construction and other facility related notices into our events feature class.  I wanted to do some basic formatting of the event description field and include a link back to the notices website our facilities group uses.  However, I found that the Event panel does not parse the basic html formatting tags (<a><h5><p> etc.) and just displays them as text.  

Am I missing something?  Has anyone found a way around this?

1 Reply
Occasional Contributor II


I'm struggling with the same issue. (See also my similar post here: )

I tried to use the existing fields "subtitle" and "long name" to create links (e.g. to website to register for an event), but they are not visible in the panel.

The pop-up in the webmap automatically sets these fields as an active link (if they start with https://).

The "end date" isn't visible either, which is a bit annoying for events over several days, and people cannot see the duration either (if it's on the same day).

Is there a way to make those fields available in the info panel if they are filled?

In the mean time I filed an idea for this: 

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