I've published an image service of a flow accumulation grid using classified symbology from a .lyrx file in ArcGIS Pro 2.7.1. The raw pixel values are correct in the web map popup but the legend does not display the classified values correctly as it does when published from an ArcMap .lyr file raster function (shows incorrect RGB instead of the correct blue graduated values as shown below). I can do this in ArcMap as a workaround but was hoping this would be fixed by now as the problem has been around for a year or two. Does anyone have a fix for ArcGIS Pro? I'm looking through 2.8 documentation but haven't seen anything yet.
@Anonymous User could you share your test data with me so that I can investigate the problem? my email: zzhou@esri.com
@Zikang Is there anything to report on this?
@Anonymous User
Thanks for asking, I will get back to you via email.