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Why can I no longer find my training samples?

01-10-2025 01:17 AM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

I created around 300 training samples and then re-loaded them into training samples manager, with the intention of making edits. However, I decided not to save my edits and so I closed thew project without saving the project (as I had no other changes I had to save). I have come back to the project and tried to re-load the samples again, but I cannot find them. I can find the samples saved as a shapefile but not the feature class file. Have I accidentally deleted my samples? If not, why can't I find them?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hey @ScarletMaguire you should be able to load the shapefiles into the Training Manager (image classification) or convert them into a Feature Class if desire. From taking the following steps it will not delete your existing training samples.

Please let us know if that doesn't work!
