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Generating a future land use land cover map using Change Detection tools?

04-16-2023 10:55 AM
Emerging Contributor

Is there a workflow that would allow me to make a predicted LULC map for 2030? It doesn't need to be extremely precise or accurate. I have a land use land cover map with 19 classes in raster and I was thinking of applying a % change factor to each of the classes to show the observed changes in area coverage. The % is just an average of the changes there have been between 2010 and 2020. I'm not sure what would be the best geoprocessing approach to do this. What also complicates the choice is that the class pixels are often adjacent so it becomes difficult to determine where the changes should appear.

So far, I have been looking at various raster tools (Reclassify, Expand, Nibble, Raster Calculator) but I can't seem to find a logical workflow to perform this at the moment. I was also maybe thinking of converting to a polygon to do a few vector manipulations and change the land cover class area.

Anyway, I'm open to any suggestions, I was thinking that maybe there would be a way for me to use the result of a change detection analysis and apply it to my baseline land cover map? I've never had to use it before so I'm not super familiar with these capabilities.

Thank you so much

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