Hi I am trying to run the following script from py 2.7 IDLE that comes with ArcMap 10.7.1. When I try to run the following script:
import arcpy
import os
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
#Set the evironment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = r'D:\Spring2020\VIC\PCA_Reclass_2004\PCA_Reclass_04'
#Load the rasters
folder = r'D:\Spring2020\VIC\PCA_Reclass_2004\PCA_Reclass_04'
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*","TIF")
print rasters
inpoly = r'D:\Spring2020\VIC\EB_Correct_File_ArcGIS\VIC.shp'
out = r'D:\Spring2020\VIC\EB_Correct_File_ArcGIS'
print([field.name for field in arcpy.ListFields(inpoly)])
cursor= arcpy.SearchCursor(inpoly,['GRID_CODE'])
print cursor
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inpoly,['GRID_CODE']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
#print row
for raster in rasters:
out = os.path.join(out, raster + ".dbf")
outT= arcpy.gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable(inpoly,"GRID_CODE",raster, out, "DATA",'MEAN')
I get the following error (even though I have the license and can use the tool in ArcMap):
raceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/Spring2020/VIC/zonal_stats_Table.py", line 21, in <module>
outT= arcpy.gp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable(inpoly,"GRID_CODE",raster, out, "DATA",'MEAN')
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.7\ArcPy\arcpy\geoprocessing\_base.py", line 510, in <lambda>
return lambda *args: val(*gp_fixargs(args, True))
ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000824: The tool is not licensed.
Failed to execute (ZonalStatisticsAsTable).
Solved! Go to Solution.
Checking whether Spatial is available is the first step, next you need to call CheckOutExtension—ArcMap | Documentation . The example code in the documentation gives you the steps you need to follow.
Have you tried checking out a Spatial Analyst license to use the tool? CheckOutExtension—ArcMap | Documentation
Yes it says Zonal Statistics As Table is unavailable, I tried the following:
if arcpy.CheckExtension("ZonalStatisticsAsTable")=="Available":
print "Zonal Statistics As Table is unavailable"
But this is not be happening as I have the license and I even use the tool in ArcMap
ZonalStatistics isn't a extension, it is a tool, and CheckOutExtension is for licensing extensions. You need to know what license is required for your tool, which is why I asked about Spatial Analyst (use "Spatial") because that is the license you will need.
I tried the following and based on the print, it does say that Spatial Analyst is available.
#Check the license
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial")=="Available":
print "Spatial is available"
print "Zonal Statistics As Table is unavailable"
Spatial is available
Hey Saad! This is far from my area of expertise but I think you may want to actually include a line within your script to checkout the license. A colleague and I have seen this error before and it looks like including a line to check out the license (for example. arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") may be needed. Hopefully that helps guide you along to the right path! Perhaps others can help chime in.
Hi Will, thank you for your response, and as you suggested, I did the exact same thing and it prints Spatial is available, please see below:
#Check the license
if arcpy.CheckExtension("Spatial")=="Available":
print "Spatial is available"
print "Zonal Statistics As Table is unavailable"
Spatial is available
Checking whether Spatial is available is the first step, next you need to call CheckOutExtension—ArcMap | Documentation . The example code in the documentation gives you the steps you need to follow.
I tried the steps as mentioned in the mentioned and it worked, thank you!